Dave Hayes, also known as "The Weather Nut", is a local meteorologist who has been living in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts for over three long decades and providing reliable weather reports through Facebook and Twitter.

For such a dedicated and busy professionals, we wonder how Dave manages to keep his personal life balanced. Is he happily married with a big family or dating someone?

Let's find out all the details about him in today's section.            

Western Massachusetts Local Meteorologist Dave Hayes: Is He Single?

There's only rain for Dave, but no dancing in the rain!

The Best in The Valley Local Meteorologist Award winner, Dave Hayes' life is pretty wrapped up as he has not shared much about his personal life and affairs.

Dave Hayes taking a selfie.

As per our sources, he's still single and not dating anyone at the present.

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He's a freelance meteorologist, giving updates about the weather for Western Massachusetts and neighboring states through his Facebook and Twitter.

Dave Hayes.

And now, he's his own blog, Dave Hayes The Weathernut Blogspot.com where he shares the weather updates and information about how our day is going to be. He's more than 5k followers on Facebook and 1.9 k followers on Twitter.

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The 30-year-old has not posted anything about who is he dating or who is his girlfriend. Perhaps he might be dating someone secretly and keeping it away from the public or he might be still single. 


Despite the fact that he's not a professional meteorologist, he has become quite popular among the locals and has gained many credits for his reliable weather news.

Dave Hayes: Wiki

  • Born and raised in Pioneer Valley, Western Massachusetts, Dave Hayes is the local meteorologist, famous as The Weather Nut at Western Mass Weather.
  • He attended the University of Massachusetts and earned a degree in Bachelor of Arts, taking Sociology as the major.
  • Prior to reporting the weather, he used to work as a Travel Coordinator for Sports Travel and Tours from 2007 to 2013.
  • He was passionate about forecasting since he was 12 and his idol is famous meteorologist Bob Copeland of WCVB Channel 5.
  • He started reporting the weather on his own since 2011, giving updates and reliable information about the local weather.
  • Dave is also a professional musician who has played in many shows with bands like Ray Mason Band, Heather Maloney, Superkart, Rick Murnane, Colorway and Voices In the Sky.
