Tom Watson Weight Loss Journey

Politician Tom Watson, best known as the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, has a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes which can cause serious health issues related to heart, weight gain, and eyes.

The Sheffield born politician who is on his early fifties, however, showcased a tremendous weight loss transformation he started in the last couple of years.

Tom Watson lost over 50 kg in two years. SOURCE: Daily Mail

So, how was Watson able to achieve such dramatic weight loss transformation in just two years considering that he farewelled nearly 100 pounds?

Watson Focused On Healthy Diet

When Tom Watson embarked on his weight loss journey over two years ago, the first thing he decided to change was to highly focus on his eating habits by maintaining a proper diet.

And, like many celebrities, Tom as well as followed low carbs ketogenic diet whilst he focused on the consumption of more protein. Matter of fact, Watson takes unique food such as grass-fed bulletproof coffee to avoid the feeling of starvation throughout the day.

Tom Watson added lo carbs diet for weight loss. SOURCE: Pinterest

Speaking more of the bulletproof coffee which tastes like milk coffee, it is enriched with low carbs and high fats which even help in cutting off fats from the body.

Not to mention, as a diabetes victim, Watson also ditched sugar from her food. On the other side, the father of two also relied upon exercises to lose weight.

Watson Tries To Walk 10000 Steps

Of course, Tom Watson wasn't only interested in losing weight, but also lead a healthy lifestyle as he focused on fitness. And, to keep his body fit, Tom spent a large amount of time at the gym doing extreme workouts.

Revealing his fitness regimen in an interview, Watson opened up saying he tries enough to take nearly ten thousand steps a day whenever he goes for a walk or jogging.

Other than that, the author of Votes for all also tried out other physical activities such as weight lifting, cycling, and circuit training. Interestingly, Tom even set up a motivation for himself which is by buying himself a new kit for his bike every time he achieves his weight loss goal.

As a result, Tom who weighed over 22 stones before he began losing weight succeeded to shrink down to more than seven stones.

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