Strokes occur due to problems with the blood supply to the brain. The blood vessel is either blocked or ruptured causing brain tissue damage and death.

The stroke is an emergency condition and the treatment must be sought as quickly as possible to prevent death and disability from stroke.

Approximately 800,000 people have a stroke each year; about one in every 40 seconds. Find out all you need to know about stroke here!!!!

What is Stroke?

Stroke is an emergency health condition in an individual that occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is either interrupted or reduced. It causes the brain cells to die as a result of lack of oxygen and necessary nutrients.

There are three types of stroke observed: ischemic, hemorrhagic, and Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs). In the U.S., about 40% of stroke deaths occur in male while 60% in female.

Source: WebMD

In the year 2009, 128,842 people died in the United States with the cause.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), black people have twice the risk of a stroke than white people.

Source: The Oz Blog

Stroke is more likely to affect people with an excessive weight, age over 55, have a personal or family history of stroke, drink heavily or use illicit drugs.


Symptoms are is almost a sudden cause occurring without any warning signal. The main symptoms of stroke are:

  • Confusion; trouble with speaking and understanding.
  • A headache; with altered conscious or vomiting.
  • Numbness and inability to move certain parts of the face, arms, and legs.
  • Trouble in sight.
  • Trouble walking- including dizziness and lack of coordination.

It leads to some long term problems like:

  • Bladder or bowel problems
  • Depression
  • Pain in hands and feet with temperature fluctuations with weakness
  • Paralysis and weakness on one or sometimes both sides of the body
  • Face drooping


Strokes occur all of a sudden before the person is seen by a physician. For best treatment, the individual should be diagnosed within three hours of the detection of the cause.

Source: New Harbinger

There are several different types of diagnostic tests that can be applied before treatment.

1. Physical Examination

2. Blood Tests

3. CT scan

4. MRI scan

5. Carotid ultrasound

6. Cerebral ultrasound

7. Echocardiogram


The ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes are caused by different agents, both require different forms of treatment.

As a treatment for one kind of stroke may hamper someone who has a different kind, treatment should be forwarded in an effective way.

Ways to treat Ischemic Stroke

Treatment can be associated with drugs breaking down the clots and also prevents it for the further formation.

Source: Modest

Aspirin can be given or a tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). TPA is very effective in dissolving the clots as it is needed to be injected within 4.5 hours of a stroke.

As an alternative, an angioplasty involves a surgeon inflating a small balloon in a narrowed artery via catheter and then inserting a stent preventing the narrowness of artery. 

Ways to treat Hemorrhagic Stroke

Treatment can be associated with drugs to reduce the pressure in the brain, control overall blood pressure, prevent seizures and prevent sudden constrictions of blood vessels. 

Source: Move Forward PT

Warfarin or Clopidogrel can be given to counter the effect. Blood transfusions can be effective to recover the blood loss.

Preventive Measures

The most efficient way to prevent a stroke is to address the underlying causes. Applying healthy habits is the best way to control stroke like:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight 
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Manage diabetes
  • Maintain the blood pressure 

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