You guys might be aware of the fact how important sleep is for good health. Insufficient sleep creates a major stress on the body that may lead a person to obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, impaired cognitive function, and several other health complications.

Proper diet, nutrition, and exercise are all in vain if don't get enough sleep. Many people wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, or consistently wake up too early.

So, today we present you top eight tips to deal with Insomnia but first learn what actually insomnia is!!!!

What is Insomnia?                   

According to guidelines from a physical group, insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, even when a person has a chance to do so.

Furthermore, it is characterized by its duration. Acute insomnia is, in fact, a brief experience it resolves without any treatment.

Source: Uratex

Chronic insomnia is the one occurring at least three nights in a week. Changes in the surrounding, certain medications, unhealthy sleeping habits are some reasons leading to a long-term pattern of insufficient sleep.

Consequences of Chronic Insomnia

As per a review in 2013, about one-third of the adult population reported having at least one symptom of insomnia.

  • Increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Less efficiency in a job or in studies.
  • Weight gain.
  • Irritation in minor topics.
  • Substantial abuse.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Memory impairment

Here are some of the tips to deal with insomnia:

1. Some Medicinal Remedies

There are some supplements that can be helpful for relieving improper sleep. Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system. It can be used in forms like magnesium glycinate or magnesium taurate.

Source: Frontshop Pharmacy Magazine

Consumption of 50 to 100 mg 5-HTP an hour before bed is good. Melatonin, taurine, or L-theanine can be used in the recommended dose.

2. Eat Healthy

"You are what you eat". Stay away from caffeine or things that make you gassy and make a note on what you consume on a daily basis. 

Source: Kill the Heroin Epidemic Nationwide

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables along with nuts and fiber-rich whole foods. Water is always very good throughout the day. Drinking water before sleep will help beat insomnia. 

3. Exercise

Exercise helps to release endorphins which contribute to one's well-being. Physical exertion can lead to exhaustion that helps in good night's sleep.

Source: Cathe Friedrich

However, exercising immediately before bedtime can have a stimulant effect on the body which should definitely be avoided. Finishing exercise at least three hours before bed time is the best option.

4. Consider participating in cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy helps to deal with insomnia to some extent. Identify and correct inappropriate thoughts and beliefs that may contribute to insomnia.

Source: YouTube

Moreover, cognitive therapy can give you the proper information about sleep norms, changes related to age, and helps to achieve sleep goals.

5. Make the surrounding comfortable

Temperature, lighting, and noise should be well maintained to make the bedroom best place to fall asleep.

Source: Huffington Post

If you have a pet in your room, keep it somewhere else if it is making noise at night.

6. Limit items and activities in bed

The bed room is for a good night sleep. Keeping items and activities on the bed like studying, making phone calls, balance the checkbook away as far as possible.

Source: Publishing Perspectives

Also, avoid watching television or listening to the radio as these activities may increase alertness leading to insomnia.

7. Keep worries apart before going to bed

Thinking about tomorrow with some upcoming tasks can make you sleepless. Hence, keep everything aside while trying to fall asleep.

Source: Only my health

It's better to make a list of tasks for the following day before leaving work. This step can keep you away from possible stress to some extent.

8. Wake up the same time every day

Many people tend to sleep late on weekends, especially if you have poor sleep other days. 

Source: Quirky Byte

Hence, you have to make a schedule waking up the same time every day. It trains your body to make you wake at a consistent time.



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