Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority Police Department, today, issued an arrest warrant against actress Rose McGowan

The authority claimed the actress was in the possession of controlled substance. The warrant, according to the authorities, was issued on February 1st, earlier this year.

Rose McGowan is now called in Loudoun County Virginia, Source: Glamour 

After a source told the police of narcotics traces found on the actress's belonging left behind in United Airline flight. A spokesman divulged that the belonging belongs to the 44-year-old actress.

The concerned authority affirmed, 

“Our police have attempted to contact Ms. McGowan so that she can appear in a Loudoun County Virginia court to respond to the charge.”

Till now no one knew about her warrant until the actress took it upon herself to the social media. As you all know the Harvey Weinstein case, Rose was one of those actresses who accused the Hollywood producer of sexual harassment charges. 

After all these charges, the actress has something else to say on the matter. She is saying the warrant is a conspiracy against her just so she can be silenced on Weinstein case. 

Rose at the Women's Convention in Detroit, Source: Ap News

She even shared a tweet regarding the issue and claimed how they are trying to silence her voice. Earlier this month, the actress claimed how the producer raped her.

During her speech at the Women's Convention in Detroit, she told the world how she was silenced for 20-years.

She stated

“I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed. I have been harassed. I have been maligned and you know what? I’m just like you,” she said. “What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in society and it cannot stand and it will not stand.”

It may be a conspiracy after all but we cannot be so sure for now. 
