Charissa Thompson of NBC is divorced. She is now dating with basketball player Jay Williams.

Charissa Thompson is a strong confident TV speaker of extra in NBC. The blond reporter is currently dating Jay Williams. Jay is currently working with ESPN as a college Basketball analyst. He was a former duke point guard and no. 1 Draft Pick of basketball player.
Charissa Thompson is a strong confident TV speaker of extra in NBC. The blond reporter is currently dating Jay Williams. Jay is currently working with ESPN as a college Basketball analyst. He was a former duke point guard and no. 1 Draft Pick of basketball player. It all started when they were working with ESPN. Both Jay and Charissa are the best in what they do and they make a power couple.
In one of her interview she says,
“I’ve always had a rule that you don’t date the guys that you cover,” she says, and quickly reminds skeptics that her boyfriend, former Duke basketball star Jay Williams, “obviously wasn’t playing anymore by the time we got together.”
Charissa is very open with her relationship with the media and has never denied the fact that they were not together or they are just good friends like other celebs do. But it was not Charissa who first drop the news but it was from a guy who saw the couple holding hands in super bowl weekends in New Orleans.
Charissa is considered one of the hottest sport reporters. She got millions of fans and she also supports feminism. But in one of her interview she said, “The stuff on Twitter I really care about is if it involves it my family or previous boyfriends...Jay and I dealt with as an interracial couple. I was called a mudshark and other horrible things. And the stuff they said to Jay about his motorcycle accident. I feel bad for him he still has to deal with idiots like that.”
On the night of June 19, 2003, Williams slammed his bike into a streetlight at the convergence of Fletcher and Honore boulevards on Chicago's North Side. Williams was not wearing a protective cap, was not authorized to drive a cruiser in Illinois, and was likewise abusing the terms of his Bulls contract by riding a motorcycle. Williams wounds incorporated a separated fundamental nerve in his leg, broke pelvis and three torn tendons in his left knee including the ACL. He required non-intrusive treatment to recover the utilization of his leg.
Charissa is open with her relationship and we all know that she was once married. When asked about it
“Oh, yeah, at 25, it was the best and worst decision I ever made. I learned quickly that I don't need to be married again, but there are people who come into your life for a reason. I love my ex-husband and it has taken us a long time to get back to being friends. I went to break up with him one night when we were going out. He recognized it and said, “Are you going to break up with me?” I said, “Yeah, it's not working out.” Well, I ended up walking out of that restaurant, drove to Hollywood, got a tattoo on my finger and got married that Saturday. That was me literally living in the moment and thinking, “Maybe he's right, and maybe I am always running away from relationships. Sure, let’s get married.” Whoops”.
“The moral of the story if there is one is that I live in the moment. Not recklessly, and that is what age has taught me. My decisions are a little more methodical now and not knee-jerk. But I do live in the moment and I am in a Zen place.”
The tattoo she mentioned was removed that was of 9 sessions. But as successful as her career is she don’t seems doing well with her dating was reported that the hot couple was broken up on the last fall and are still good friends. The reasons arekept hidden from fight and are still unknown.
Currently she is single. Only time will tell what she will be doing and who she will be dating. We just hope she finds her soul mate.she seems extra flirty with Rob Gronkowski but only time will tell.