Home Article "A migraine doesn't just stop. You have to recover from it"- Here is the list of few home remedies you can try to reduce the pain

"A migraine doesn't just stop. You have to recover from it"- Here is the list of few home remedies you can try to reduce the pain

Updated On 18 Feb, 2018 Published On 18 Feb, 2018

Migraine headaches are one of the 20 most disabling medical issues worldwide, as stated by the World Health Organization.

Migraine headaches are one of the 20 most disabling medical issues worldwide, as stated by the World Health Organization.

A migraine isn't typically headaches. It is characterized by a throbbing pain, generally restricted to one side of the head, that tends to get worse with movement; lasting from 4 to 72 hours. 

Source | Everyday Health

In the U.S. more than 37 million people suffer from migraines. Some studies estimated that 13% of adults in the US population have the same issue and 2-3 million among the victims are chronic.

Migraines occur most often in:

  • 70 percent of all migraine sufferers are women; 30 million Americans who suffer a migraine are women)
  • People between the ages35 and 55
  • Lowest income groups
  • Caucasian people

Nonetheless, there are therapies you can try at home to get some relief from your migraine pain. Some of them are discussed below:

7. Try acupressure

Acupressure is a method of applying pressure with the fingers and hands to specific points to get relief from pain and other symptoms.

As per a 2014 systematic review, the practice is a leading alternative therapy for people suffering from chronic headaches.

Source | Pinterest

Some studies also stated that acupressure might help relieve migraine-associated nausea.

6. Regular Yoga And Exercises

In addition to physical health, yoga has proven to be effective for the sound state of mind as well. It uses breathing, meditation and body postures to promote health and well-being of an individual.

Some researchers have shown that yoga may relieve the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines. It is believed to improve anxiety, makes the mind tension free and improves vascular health.

Source | Casey Dilworth

Though we cannot fully rely on yoga as the primary treatment, it may be beneficial as a complementary therapy. 

5. Add Magnesium To Your Diet

Lack of magnesium in our daily diet is directly associated with headaches and migraines. Some studies have proven the supplementation of magnesium oxide helps prevent migraines with aura.

It also prevents menstrual-related migraines. For that, food supplements like almonds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter, and sunflower seeds can be included in the diet.

Source | Top Natural Recipes

About 200-600 mg of magnesium a day can minimize the frequency of headache attacks to some extent.

4. Peppermint & Lavender Essential Oil

Peppermint and lavender oils have calming and numbing effects which make them a perfect tool for headache relief.

Peppermint oil induces a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin. Regular massage of the oil improves blood circulation of the forehead and soothes muscle contraction.

Source | Growing Up Gabel

Lavender oil is basically used as a mood stabilizer and sedative. Just take few drops of peppermint or lavender oil into your hands and gently rub it on your forehead.

3. Cold Compress

If you are an athlete, you must have an ice pack stored in the freezer. The ice pack is one of the perfect remedies for a migraine headache.

As per a study conducted in 2013, pain decreased for up to 50% within 30 minutes of application of an ice pack.

Source | My Soul Therapies

The cooling sensation of the ice help to relieve the pain and reduce the severity of the attack.

2. Feverfew

Feverfew is another effective ingredient for migraines that have been used for centuries. The herb contains a compound known as parthenolide that relieves spasms in smooth muscles tissue; even prevents inflammation.

In addition, it neutralizes the action prostaglandins which play a key role to induce pain.

Source | Alternative Daily

Hence, prepare a herbal tea with one teaspoon of dried peppermint and feverfew leaves and mix it in a cup of hot water. Drink it two to three times a day.

8. Ginger

A 2013 study published in Phytotherapy Research indicates that ginger is an effective ingredient to get relief from pain.

It blocks prostaglandins, the chemicals promoting muscle contractions, cause hormonal imbalance and regulate inflammation in blood vessels in the brain.

Source | Fit Life

Drink ginger tea a few times a day until you get relief. You can also simply chew a piece of raw ginger root to relieve the symptoms like nausea and digestive distress.

The above mentioned natural remedies are far better than the drugstore medications. However, the possible side effects of different supplements cannot be neglected.   

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