'A healthy person is a happy person' here is the Top ten Home-based health care tips for women to stay healthy

Know the top ten home based heath care tips to boost women health and hope it helps to relieve health problems
Women's health issues are one of the most talked about topics all over the world and as a woman we do relate to all the health problems that we suffer on daily basis.
Be it due to the unbearable period cramps or back pain, mood swings or headaches, these minor yet dangerous health problems sure take a toll on us and visiting a doctor every single day is certainly not possible.
But don't worry, girls- all we need is simple life hacks and habits to tackle these issues like a boss!
Below is the list of top-ten home based health tips for women that will soon help you feel cured and fit.
10. Boost up your health with yoga
If you do not have time to hit the gym or if you hate running early in the morning and still worried about your body and health, then don't worry girls, yoga is the perfect solution.
Source: Shutterstock
And the best part is that you can practice yoga at home too!! All you need is a yoga mattress, sincere dedication and an hour or so.
Yoga releases stress maintains blood pressure, increases flexibility, boosts physical and mental health. The best form of yoga is the sun salutation (Surya Namaskar).
9. Use essential oils to avoid cramps
Essential oils are now the best medicines to heal all the discomforts in your body and it's the best to treat painful menstrual cramps.
Most beneficial essential oils include Lavender oil, Eucalyptus oil, Peppermint and lemon scent.
Source: Heal Journey
You can heat the oil in a regular heating pan and gently massage the affected areas like abdomen and lower back. These oils can also be used to rejuvenate your skin, cure sunburns and aromatherapy.
8. Cotton wears to protect your lady parts
This is probably one of the best health tips for women to keep your vagina happy and healthy.
We know there are lots of options when it comes to your underwear selection, but cotton ones are the best.
Source: Ali Express
Cotton underwears absorb moisture and keep your parts fresh and sweat-free. and highly recommended by the clinical professors of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale University.
7. Get ample amount of sleep
As most of us are crazy busy in work, or going to late night parties, having fun, or stay up late online, we often ignore the enough amount of sleep that our body needs.
Source: Huffington Post
Sleep is one of the best natural remedies to avoid fatigue, headache and body pain. Not only this, sleep helps to keep your brains healthy, renew blood vessels and strengthen learning capacity.
6. Healthy diet habits
We know it's hard to resist all the cravings but it's for our own good. The daily consumption of junk foods, ice-creams, pastries not only help you gain weight but also cause long term health problems like heart diseases.
Source: Shape
So, if you want a healthy body, glowing skin and full-on energy, make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cucumber, celery, lettuce. Also, add more high-fiber foods and eat leaner meat, fish and poultry.
5. Reinvent your love life
One of the most important part of being a healthy woman is being happy and satisfied. If you are having troubles with your partner then, you might suffer emotional stress that would eventually degrade your physical health.
Source: How to Keep him hooked
Even the famous Dr. Oz has suggested to enjoy your sex life to the fullest. You can organise a romantic dinner at home, light scented candles or you can try new things to spice up your romance.
4. Enjoy cooking
We all get tired of eating from cans or take-away dinners, so if you have some spare time then, it's never too late to learn cooking.
Source: Femside
Cooking at home not only saves expenses but also help us learn different healthy recepies. Plus, cooking is sexy ladies! Your man would sure love to eat the delicacies you prepared for him.
3. Create your own home-based gym
Is this possible! Ofcourse. If you loathe taking gym classes and feel intimidated by all those hot ladies with super slim bodies, then here's the best solution. Make your own gym!!
Source: Shape.com
Don't worry, you don't need extra room or space for this. All you need is a treadmill or an indoor cycle and some dumb-bells and you are good to go. You can add these in your own bedroom and be a workout pro.
2. Drink pure water
Lack of enough water in our body can cause dehydration, imbalanced metabolism, leaving your body weak and tired. Not only this, the quality of water that you consume must be of the best grade using effective filtration techniques.
Driking enough water helps boosts your metabolism and cardiovascular system.
Source: Your health blog
10. Check for breast cancer at home
Breast Cancer is one of the most common health problems in women and it's early diagnosis can save lives of millions. For this, we can undergo Breast- Self Examination at home and it's best to examine after your period.
You can stand infront of mirror and gently feel your breast to find any lumps or swollen portion. If you see any changes like darkenss around the nipples, then immediate doctor visit is required.
For more information on women's health also see: Know about the physical and emotional trauma, women goes through after the abortion