What is Retro Ocular Headache? Know These Simple Home Remedies To Control The Disorder

Because of the complex link between the eyes and headaches, ophthalmologists are always steps ahead to relate and evaluate patients with headaches, eye pain, and headache-associated visual disturbances.
Eye pain is often described as burning, sharp, dull, shooting and feeling of something unusual in the eye.
Because of the complex link between the eyes and headaches, ophthalmologists are always steps ahead to relate and evaluate patients with headaches, eye pain, and headache-associated visual disturbances.
Though a headache or specifically retro-ocular headache can be caused by different diseases and medical conditions, it can be managed at home itself.
What Is Retro Ocular Headache?
The word 'retro' refers to "behind" and 'Oculus' refers to the eye. Hence, retro-ocular headache is simply associated with a headache and pain behind the eyeballs.
Ocular, retro-ocular and orbital pain is an important topic for the ophthalmologist and is quite difficult to approach.
Though the condition is currently under research in the ophthalmologic literature, it's the right time to adopt initial management tips to relieve pain and dizziness at home beforehand.
Let's get some knowledge about some possible home remedies to treat a retro-ocular headache.
1. Avoid Bright And Dazzling Lights
If you have a frequent headache and headache behind the eyes, it's better to avoid bright lights as bright and dazzling light can cause irritation in the nervous centers leading to worsening the condition, even more, just close all the curtains in your room if the bright sun is shining outside.
While going outside, you can protect your eyes and head wearing hat and sunglasses.
2. Applying Ice Packs Or Heat Packs
The choice of heat pack or ice pack during a retro-ocular headache is different for different people. They help you relieve the pain altering the blood flow in the head.
Heat pack causes vasodilation whereas cold pack causes vasoconstriction. Just use the application that suits you the best. Still, it's highly recommended not to apply the packs directly over the eyes, instead, you can apply on your forehead.
3. Consume Hot Tea Or Coffee
Hot tea or coffee works as a painkiller or tranquilizers. Tea and coffee contain caffeine hence, acts on your brain receptors providing you an instant relief.
Tea also contains different essential chemicals that act on your brain receptors. It's better to consume herbal tea together with rosemary.
4. Ginger And Turmeric Solution
Ginger and turmeric have been used as the best anti-inflammatory agent to reduce pain in different parts of the body. Make a mixture of ginger and turmeric powder with a pinch of salt and left it to boil for sometime.
Consume the mixture two to three times a day for better result.
5. Hydrate Your Body
It's always a best to hydrate your body with enough amount of fluid for your body. Fluid rehydrates your body and stabilizes the blood circulation.
Hence, drink enough water, fruit juices and hot soups.
6. Pain Relief Message
Application of mild balms around your forehead can give relief to a headache. There are different ayurvedic balms available in the market as it has no any chemical side effects.
So, if you get a frequent headache or a retro-ocular headache, it's better to keep ayurvedic balms at home for urgent situations.
7. Compression
Wrap scarf around the head when you get retro-ocular pain. You can certainly get relief from the pain but the mechanism behind the result is not clearly understood.
As per research, about 50% of headache patients were recovered from the technique. However, don't wrap it too tightly as it can also increase the complications.
Apart from the above-mentioned techniques, some herbs like cloves, basil, lavender, peppermint, and rosemary can be used. You can also visit an acupuncture practitioner as acupuncture inhibits the pain impulses in the nerves decreasing headache.