NBC Journalist Michelle Kosinski Engaged and married with Kimbell Duncan in 2014

Michelle Kosinski and Kimbell Duncan have been married on 2014. Let's have a sneak-peak of their wedding amd their relationship
There was a lavish wedding taking place at D.C.’s Anderson House, a 112 years old historic mansion located at 2118 Massachusetts Avenue and guess who the lucky Bride and Groom were?
You guessed it right. They certainly were Michelle Kosinski and Kimbell Rush Duncan who got espoused on August 9, 2014 at this Catholic Church, their wedding also being a Catholic one.
Their Love Story
This couple who has been together for more than 2 years, have set an example of how a widower can also put back his past and enjoy his present and probably his future too. Yes, kimbell is a widower and also a father of scool-age twins(Daughter Sophia and Son Nikita).
Both of them love spending quality time with the children and go for travelling with them. Their kids are really happy to have Michelle as their Mama and Michelle has also provided them that Maternal Love and care that they had been missinf all these times.
Their meet was fortuned when Michelle was working in London as a foreign correspondent for NBC news. But before Kosinski announced her engagement with Kimbell, he was unknown to everyone leading her announcement of engagement which she decided to spill in August 2013 to be a surprising one.
But who could resist congratulating this stunning couple and she later thanked her supporters for their congratulations posts on facebook.
Their relationship has been running smoothly till now and they are one happy couple, so much in love with each other.
Their Personal Lives
Putting much light on who they are separately, then Kosinski happens to be the daughter of N.Kosinski and Robert J.Kosinski. She is an American Journalist who currently is a White House Correspondent for CNN. She has covered many world events also. Michelle is much popular on Twitter where she loves to tweet her opinions about current Political Situation, however; she cannot be found on instagram.
Kimbell also is an American who had been in the UK for about 20 years and is a representative to the Boards of several biotechnology companies in which his family’s trust holds investments. He is also a founder of the Rush Foundations, which are charities in Valais, Swtizerland; London; and Smithsburg.