America faces big health crisis due to Junk Foods; Here are some of many negative effects of Junk Foods
America faces big health crisis due to Junk Foods; Here are some of many negative effects of Junk Foods
The United States of America faces a huge crisis at this time. No, it's not Kim Jong Un, as this problem is breeding in our day to day lives.
The problem we're talking about is Junk Foods. In today's time, Junk foods have become a vital part of our daily routine.
If we're hungry, be it during breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we'll opt for junk food as it is easy and tasty to eat. Despite knowing about its harmful effect, you still eat it.
But it's about time you stop consuming it as after reading this article, we're sure you will.
Junk Foods-A Vital Part of our Diet
Us human never accepts our problems and mistake, which leads to many problems in the future. If someone asks you to quit eating junk food, then you'll justify your eating by saying, 'I exercise daily.'
Source: Daily Express
But doing a physical activity after eating tons of junk foods will not serve any benefits. You feed your body with healthy foods then you'll feel good all day but you feed it with junk then it'll be the complete opposite.
Negative Effects of Junk Foods
You are willing to stop eating junk food for good but sometimes indulge in small cheat meals which you think won't hamper your body.
Source: Styles At Life
You won't see it effects quickly but on a long run. Below is the list of few of many negative effects of Junk Foods on your healthy body.
Read it carefully and see if you feel any of these.
1.) Obesity
This is one of the most common drawbacks of eating junk foods on a daily basis. Obesity is one of the leading problems that we Americans are facing.
Of all the 196 countries in the world, The United States comes in the top ten list of most obese countries of the world. 72% of the total population of the United States is Obese.
2.) Fatigue and Weakness
If you feel lazy and sleepy all day despite getting a good night sleep, then your diets are to blamed. You wake up late in the morning and feel sleepy all day due to overeating of junk foods.
It hampers your performance and health, which in turn leads you to more and more severe health problems.
3.) Fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels
Junk foods contain a lot of processed sugar and fat. Your blood sugar level will fluctuate as pancreas will be secreting more insulin in order to control your blood sugar level.
This will lead to fluctuation in sugar level. Fluctuation of sugar level can lead to severe amnesia and weakness.
4.) Heart Disease
It increases your chance of getting a stroke or heart attack. Your veins get blocked due to that extra blubber in your body and it'll decrease the blood flow to your heart.
Obesity is directly related to Heart disease. The more fat you become, the more prone to heart disease you are.
5.) Depression
It is one of the prominent diseases that everyone faces at the current time. Depression is one of the most brutal mental problems which can lead to severe mental issues.
Also see: Stress Eating
According to many studies, people who regularly eat junk foods are 51% more prone to depression. So think before you eat.
Source: Shape Magazine
So next time, before indulging in eating these junk foods, thinks of all the health related problem you'll be suffering. You can start doing exercise and involve more in eating healthy fruits and vegetables.