Anorexia; psychological eating disorder, Know about its Causes and treatments

Anorexia is often thought to affect mostly women. It affects 0.9 percent of American women as per the report of National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD).
Anorexia is a psychological eating disorder which can be life-threatening as well. It is thought to affect mostly women. About 0.9 percent of American women as per the report of National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) has been affected by Anorexia.
So, what are the causes of Anorexia? What are it's treatment procedures? Let us find out!!!!
What is Anorexia?
Anorexia nervosa is a mental-health illness. People suffering from the disease can have a severe preoccupation with food and body image.
They prefer to diet excessively or otherwise eat fat too little with an intention to maintain health. It is possibly a life-threatening eating disorder defined by a meager body weight relating to the Body Mass Index.
The victim suffering from anorexia faces an illogical fear of unnecessary weight gain referring to starvation and lack of appetite.
It's Types:
There are two types of anorexia, but both types have similar symptoms.
1. Binge/Purge Type: In this type, you may have the feeling of guilt when you eat something. As a result, you compensate it by vomiting, excessive exercising or abusing laxatives.
2. Restrictive Type: In this type, the individual fear a lot while eating. As a result, they limit the quantity reflecting the insufficient calorie in the body.
Signs and Symptoms
Some of the distinct signs and symptoms of anorexia are mentioned below:
- Excessive dieting despite being underweight
- Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
- Amenorrhea: an abnormal absence of menstruation.
- Development of lanugo
- Sensation of extreme cold
- Prefer isolation and avoidance of social functions and rituals
- Loss or thinning of hair
Fast Facts about Anorexia
- Anorexia affects females far more than males. It's often seen in adolescent females.
- Affect the middle and upper socioeconomic classes.
- 1% of adolescent female and about 0.3% of the male is affected in the United States.
- Extreme diet and weight loss can lead to a potentially fatal degree of malnutrition.
Causes and Complications
The exact reason of anorexia is still unknown. As with many other diseases, it might be the result of the combination of environmental, psychological, and biological factors.
- Environmental- Profession and careers might promote anorexia in some way. Professions such as ballet and modeling can take their weight as a serious issue. Family and childhood traumas like sexual abuse can be some factors. Most importantly, peer pressure among friends and co-workers to be thin and sexy also cause anorexia.
- Biological- Irregular hormonal functions, genetics, and nutritional deficiencies may lead a person to anorexia.
- Psychological- It is the most critical factor contributing anorexia. Young women may have some serious concern about their body figure. They may have high levels of anxiety and restrict their eating habit to reduce excessive weight.
Anorexia is followed by numerous complications. It may also be fatal even when someone is not severely underweight. This may result in abnormal heart rhythms or imbalance of electrolytes than maintain a balance of body fluids in the body.
Some complications of anorexia include:
- Anemia
- Heart issues
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Anxiety disorders
- Substantial abuse
- Kidney problems
- Suicide
- Absence of a period in female
- Decreased testosterone in male
Some Treatment Procedures
According to ANAD, only one out of 10 men and women with eating disorders receive treatment.
The first step treating anorexia is to eliminate all the symptoms one by one. For instance, the first step can include getting the person hydrated and medications that can help with heart arrhythmias.
Therapies, antidepressants or some psychiatric medications are some of the important steps in treating anorexia.
Weight restoration is an important aspect. A Proper diet plan should be implemented and supervised periodically. The victims should be educated about healthy eating patterns.
Well, family love and support plays a crucial role in the treatment process. Parents and close members should be with the victim every time as far as possible.
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