Check Out How Jimmy Kimmel Dropped Heavy Pounds By Following Trendy Diets

When we took a glance at the old pictures of the prominent tv host Jimmy Kimmel's from just a mere decade ago, we couldn't believe our own bare eyes. We had to actually rub our eyes. But, yup it was for real the tv host.
Unbelievably, there's a vast difference between Kimmel back then and today. But, he has come a long way, clearly. See all the details to Jimmi Kimmel's weight loss journey.
The Heaviest Jimmy Kimmel Weighed Was 208 Ibs
First of all, what's even harder to believe is the fact that Jimmy Kimmel is currently in his early fifties. Say what? But, we guess, when you're upfront about your health and weight, that's what happens to your appearance and everything that concerns respectively.

The Prime Emmy Time winning tv host didn't face any weight gain issues in his younger self though. If anything, it was the least of his problem. But as soon as he didn't start to focus on the amount of food he was consuming, he was over 135 Ibs. And before he knew it, he discovered he was more than 208 pounds.
But, then again, not gaining weight whilst you're a big foodie, especially when you have friends who are professional chef, is almost impossible. Then, soon after learning his weight number, Kimmel stepped up to work on his weight. Thanks to Dr. Oz. as well for his motivation.
Also See: After following the regimen for 8 weeks, the tv host impressively lost 25 pounds.
It was actually Dr. Oz who pointed out Kimmel on his weight and advised that he needed to start taking care of himself in an interview. And, at that moment, the New York native realized something and it was that Oz didn't need to worry about him more than he needed to worry about himself.
Kimmel Applied 5:2 Diets & Cut Off Calories
Interestingly, Kimmel only focused on diet and the way he would be eating after he decided to acknowledge the side effects of weight gain. And for that, Kimmel opted for 5:2 diets which implied that he only ate for five days a week and starved the rest of the two days.

Of course, following the diet was super hard for him which is why he ate like a pig whilst he was eating during the five days. Matter of fact, he would only consume only 500 calories on the days he would fast. And, on the remaining days, Jimmy only consumed near 2000 calories for his big body.
And, to restrict the consumption of high-calorie food was something he learned from an Indian man he watched on a BBC documentary. The diet during the five days, however, included anything of his likeness though; from pizza to pasta to anything.
Besides, Kimmel also added a protein-based diet that consisted of boiled eggs, peanut butter and salmon. He also enjoyed coffee, fruits like apple, oatmeal and pickles. Not to mention, the main part of his plan was to consume light dinner and meal.
Kimmel Never Exercised & Worked Out
A lot of people seemingly goes for workouts, exercise, and other physical activity to stay fit and for weight loss, of course. But, as for Kimmel, he highly prioritized on his diet only. But, the father of four including; Kevin Kimmel, Katie Kimmel, Jane Kimmel, and William Kimmel, would still do treadmill walk though.

Kimmel once performed a workout with his wife too. Although he enjoyed having a rubber around his knees, he knew he was never doing it again. Whatsoever, the only thing that matter today is the fact that Kimmel has still managed to maintain his health and weight.
Following the successful weight loss journey, it's apparent, he never looked back. Matter of fact, the tv host impressively lost 25 pounds after applying the regimen for eight weeks. Well done Jimmy Kimmel.
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