Relationship short Statistics of Joel Parkinson
What is Joel Parkinson marital status ? ( married,single, in relation or divorce): | Relationship |
How many children does Joel Parkinson have ? (name): | 2 Children |
Is Joel Parkinson having any relationship affair ?: | No |
Is Joel Parkinson Gay ? | Don't Know |
Joel Parkinson is the youngest Australian surfer who has competed on the association of the surfing professional world tour. He was passionate about surfing since childhood and used to surf with his father’s board. Joel started competing with his friends Deam Morrison and Mick Fanning and together they were known as “The Coolangatta Kids”. In 2004, 2009 and 2011, he established himself as number 2 making his own record.
Joel Parkinson got married to Monica Parkinson in 2005 and has two children, both of them daughters. He has even published a book; Parko: Joel Parkinson’s surfing journey. According to the rumors, Joel was the champ Born to Be On The board. He is a highly successful competitive surfer who has won eleven elite ASP tours victories. In the off season or when the waves are not high, Joel likes fishing and watching football matches. Joel has also published a video biography- Free As The Dog.
Joel Parkinson Married
First Marriage with Monica parkinson
Joel got married to Monica Parkinson in 2005 and has the two children with her, both of them daughters.
Joel Parkinson Children
DAUGHTER : Macy Parkinson
Mother: Joel ParkinsonMacy Parkinson is the first girl child if the Joel Parkinson and Monica Parkinson. Her cute photos are easily found on internet.
Evie parkinson is the second girl child of the Joel Parkinson and Monica parkinson.