Congressman Matt Gaetz, Who Once Wore A large Gas Mask in the Legislative Session of Coronavirus Is now in Self-Quarantine

On Monday, 9th March 2020, Matt Gaetz, U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 1st district begun two weeks of self-imposed isolation.
Matt Gaetz is in self-quarantine after learning the fact that he had come into contact with a virus carrier at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which was held in Maryland last month.
The interesting thing is that Gaetz was on Air Force One with Trump when he heard his news. The pair was returning from Orlando to Washington after attending an event.
The Republican congressman, after learning he was exposed to the virus, followed the procedure recommended by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and started Quarantine for two weeks.

However, the representative from Florida has made it clear that it is just a preventive measure, and no symptoms of the disease are seen on him. Nonetheless, the congressman has undergone tests and will expect results soon. Also, Gaetz is not married and probably lives alone so there is a chance no immediate family came into his contact. However, the same cannot be said about his staff. His office in Washington D.C. is closed right now.
This is not the first time, Gaetz has garnered limelight because of Coronavirus. On March 5, 2020, when the congress was working to pass an $8.3 billion emergency funding to address the coronavirus outbreak, the conservative politician posted a photo of him wearing a large gas mask on Twitter. With the picture, he wrote :
Reviewing the coronavirus supplemental appropriation and preparing to go vote.

Not only Gaetz wore the mask on twitter but also throughout the legislative session. The congressman got a lot of backlash from Democrats and the general people who thought he was not taking the threat of Coronavirus seriously.
After widespread criticism, the 37-year-old defended himself with a tweet on March 7, 2020. In the post, he wrote:
"Made light?!?! I was quite serious. The threat to congress is real, as I explained based on travel and habits like selfies and handshakes,"
It is not clear whether Gaetz wore the mask as the preventive measure, but his statement about congress is, infact, true. Congressmen and Congresswomen are continually meeting people and mostly do physical contacts such as a handshake. In addition to that, they are always traveling between their constituents and Washington, which also puts them at higher risk.

One of another factor among representatives is their age. The average age of members of the house of the 116th congress is 57.6 years. Since Coronavirus is especially fatal in the case of the elderly, so it is quite a challenge for congress.
Learn why Ted Cruz went into Quarantine.
Gaetz is not the first congressman to go into quarantine. On the same day, Doug Collins of Georgia also announced that he would go on self-quarantine. Before that, on March 7, 2020, Senator Ted Cruz and Paul Gosar have even gone on quarantine. All these quarantined members of the congress attend CPAC.
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