Harvey Weinstein Accused of Mulitple Sexual Misconducts; Actresses Ashley Judd including Angelina Jolie, Cara Delevingne, Asia Argento and more Women Speak Out!

Producer Harvey Weinstein is soon to be dragged into the court!
Investigations conducted by The New York Times have found hidden allegations regarding sexual misconduct against the famous producer since the past thirty years! Let's dig into all the details down here.
Harvey Weinstein Accused of Mulitple Sexual Misconducts; Actress Ashley Judd and more Women Speak Out!
It's a bit sad to know that a happy, successful and married man like Harvey Weinstein is accused of several sexual misconducts. After countless investigations regarding the case, many women came forward and agreed with the claim.
The evidence and statements were collected through emails, legal records, interview, and other internal documents. And among them, veteran actress Ashely Judd too confirmed the allegations professing that she was once in such situation with the producer.
She stated that she had a meeting arranged with Weinstein back in 1997, as he invited her for breakfast in his room of Peninsula Beverly Hills Hotel. The meeting turned into an awkward moment when he asked her to give him a back massage and even watch him shower!
Judd revealed this information to The Times and quoted,
"How do I get out of the room as fast as possible without alienating Harvey Weinstein?"
Another woman named Emily Nestor, who was a fresher employee for Harvey was also invited to the same hotel in 1998 and she claimed that he made him an offer.
The offer included her to accept his sexual advances and promised her to boost her career. A year after, a former female assistant of Harvey, wrote a memo asserting sexual assault where Harvey forced her into giving him a massage when he was lying naked in his office.
An Italian model was also harassed back in 2015 and the details are yet to be revealed. After this revelation, Mr. Weinstein who's happily married to wife Georgina Chapman since 2007 and shares two children apologized releasing the statement,
“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”
His lawyer, Lisa Bloom further added that Weinstein is completely denying all the accusations and all the scenarios occurred under mutual understandings.
Mr. Weinstein has won six best-picture Oscars and has done many famous movies including Pulp Fiction, Good Will Hunting, Sex, Lies, and Videotape along with TV show, Project Runway.
Sources report he's preparing to file a lawsuit against The Times and he told NY Times that he will be taking a leave and joining a treatment program. He added,
"My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons, Over the last year I've asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me and she's put together a team of people."
"I've brought on therapists and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and to deal with this issue head on. I so respect all women and regret what happened."
"I hope that my actions will speak louder than words and that one day we will all be able to earn their trust and sit down together with Lisa to learn more."
Another incidence takes us back in 1997 with actress Rose McGowan who was paid $100,000 as a settlement by Mr. Weinstein to avoid litigation and buy peace.
Georgina Chapman Announces She Is Leaving Husband Harvey Weinstein
After such unscrupulous and dishonorable allegations against her husband, Georgina Chapman has finally spoken and this time she's taken a bold decision.
Just today, the Marchesa designer announced that she's leaving her husband Harvey with the fact that he has been accused of several sexual allegations.
In her statement, she stated,
"My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband."
The pair who shares two kids have been married for years and she states that she'll file for divorce papers soon. However, she'll always give priority to their children and asked the media to give privacy at such times.
After the revelation of multiple abuse encounter since the past few weeks, a lot of Hollywood actresses have spoken out about such incidents they faced with him and the list is going on and on. Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Louisette Geiss, Katherine Kendall and many more have accused the movie mogul and this matter is really getting worse.
Angelina Jolie confessed that she was offered sexual advances by the producer back in 1998 and ever since she never chose to work with him again. She also stated that she warned fellow actress about him. Following this, Iron Man actress, Gwyneth Paltrow also told the NYT that Weinstein tried to touch her and even asked her to have joint massages while filming for 1996's Emma. She even told her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt and he had confronted the producer.
To add more to this list, actress Louisette Geiss also accused Weinstein of sexual abuse back in 2008 when he presented himself in a bathrobe suddenly and asked her to see him masturbate. She immediately left the meeting.
Another actress of the 90's Judith Godreche states that Weinstein tried to massage her and pull her sweater, after asking her to join a meeting in his Cannes suite back in 1996. Dawn Dunning reports that she was also called for a meeting and proposed her to star in his movies with three scripts, but only if she had three-way sex with him. She left the hotel immediately after that.
Mira Sorvino, The Mighty Aphrodite actress that Weinstein called her up in her hotel room in 1995 during Toronto International Film Festival and tried to give her massages. Harvey even went to her home at night but she protected herself with a male friend. After she turned down Harvey, her career was adversely affected.
Not only these female celebrities but producer Alexandra Canosa also accused him of rape and sexual assaults. Moreover, a Polish model also accused him of sexual harassment. She was facing harassment from the age of 16.
Actress Asia Argento accused Harvey of Rape while Cara Delevingne revealed Harvey tried to Kiss Her
After shocking allegations against Weinstein by Angelina and Gwyneth, another actress claimed that she was raped by Harvey!
The claims were published in a New Yorker and the Italian-born actress, Asia Argento accused that Weinstein forced himself on her and performed oral sex after asking her to come to an empty room at Hotel DuCap-Eden-Roc back in 1997.
She further described that Harvey had shoved her skirt up around her waist, despite her pleas for him to stop. She, however, pretended to enjoy the abuse thinking it would stop but it continued. She confessed that she wanted to go public with the incident but she was scared of losing out on her part in the film B. Monkey.
And just today, the famous actress Cara Delevingne spoke out about an unwanted encounter with Harvey stating that he once tried to kiss her and also watch her kiss another woman in a hotel room.
She posted a statement on her Instagram page confessing that she got a call from Harvey when she first started working as an actress and he even asked her if she has slept with many women in the industry.
She states,
"It was a very odd and uncomfortable call,I answered none of his questions and hurried off the phone but before I hung up, he said to me that If I was gay or decided to be with a woman especially in public that I'd never get the role of a straight woman or make it as an actress in Hollywood"
Not only this after few years, she went to a meeting in the lobby of a hotel, and as soon as they got alone, he started talking about how many actresses he has slept with and tried to kiss her. She got up and left the room immediately and asked Harvey's assistant if her car was outside. His assistant said it wasn't there and persuaded her to go up to his room. She was relieved to see another woman in his room but out of nowhere he asked that woman to kiss her and she got up with panic and left the room.
However, Weinstein reps told the media that he has denied all the allegations against him. Due to all these accusations, his career was highly affected. After two years-long cases, a judge provides Harvey a green light.
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